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We love our saxophones and clarinets. We love lyrical music. Lyrical Music Publications has grown initially from the desire to present the works made famous by Rudy Wiedoeft which have been accurately and tastefully compiled and edited by Ted Hegvik. In total we will offer approximately 20 of Rudy Wiedoefts's works, plus a few extras. But, there's so much more!
In addition to Rudy Wiedoeft's music, we are pleased to offer a wide selection of other important works arranged for the saxophone and clarinet. There will be classic compositions as well as modern.
In addition to works for Eb Alto, Bb Tenor, Bb Soprano, and Eb Bari saxophones, we offer music for the C-Melody Saxophone and by extension, for the C-Soprano Saxophone.
We are pleased to be able to offer a series of lesson books, "Modern Course for the Saxophone" volumes 1 to 5, written by Ted Hegvik.
Our goal with this online store is to offer terrific music, first-rate products, and exceptional customer service to musicians from the comfort of their own homes.
As a fellow musician, I wanted to create a store where sheet music, lesson books, accessories, and even CD's that I've enjoyed could be offered. We’re a new business and yes, we're human and so we'll make a few mistakes along the way - with this in mind we sincerely invite and encourage your feedback! Please visit us regularly, see us grow.
Welcome to our store, visit us often as we'll be adding new music and products every month!
Daniel Lamade
Visit us for exceptional sheet music;
or, visit us to hear Ted Hegvik perform Rudy Wiedoeft's popular music.
For general inquiries or feedback, please get in touch with us. Your thoughts are sincerely encouraged.
1508 Packer Street, Williamsport, PA 17701